Search Results for 'Conway Walsh'

22 results found.

Large increase in Mayo hospital agency staff spend under this Government says SF candidate

Local Sinn Féin councillor and General Election candidate Rose Conway Walsh has criticised the Government over the huge increase in the cost of agency staff for Mayo General Hospital. The local councillor made the comments in relation to figures received in response to a parliamentary question from Sinn Féin.

Time to come clean on the slashing of almost €100 million euro from Mayo roads — Conway-Walsh

Funding for Mayo Regional and Local Roads has been slashed by €96,780,960 since 2007 according to Sinn Féin General Election Candidate, Cllr Rose Conway-Walsh. Cllr Conway-Walsh said: “It is outrageous that funding for Mayo roads has been decimated to such an extent that the accumulative affect means we have lost out on almost €100 million even to stand still.  I am so disgusted by the lies and spin being fed to people in Mayo that I sat down and did an analysis of the cuts to roads budgets from 2007 to 2015. It was obvious to me that the regional and local roads in this county are deteriorating rapidly as many have not had maintenance or repairs for over a decade.  Many of these roads are barely passable and the plain truth is that there is no money to do the necessary works.” 


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